Guide Index

  • Getting Started
    1. Account Login and Overview
    2. Setting Up Your Mailing lists
    3. Integrating With Your Website
    4. Importing Email Addresses
    5. Sending Your First Campaign
  • Advanced List Functions
    1. List Settings
    2. Custom Fields
    3. Auto Responders
    4. List Segmentation
    5. MySQL Database Sync
    6. Subscription Behaviors
    7. Subscription Forms
    8. Website Integration
    9. Suppression Lists
  • Advanced Subscriber Management
    1. Add Subscribers Copy/Paste
    2. Add Subscribers File Upload
    3. Add Subscribers MySQL
    4. Browse Subscribers
    5. Delete Subscribers
    6. Export Subscribers
  • Advanced Campaign Management
    1. Creating New Campaigns
      1. Using HTML Code
      2. Template Gallery
      3. Previous Campaigns
      4. Using a Web URL
    2. Google Analytics
    3. Using A/B split testing
    4. Campaign Attachments
    5. Personalizing your email
    6. Email Content Analysis
    7. Campaign Preview
  • Email Templates
    1. Managing Tags
    2. Sub-Client Accounts
  • Statistical Data Analysis
    1. List Statistics
    2. Campaign Statistics
  • List Settings

    In the previous topics we went through the steps for creating new mailing list. The creation process is simple although the mailing lists have their own intricate settings which can be fine tuned to achieve greater capabilities and sophistication.

    The system allows you to configure your mailing lists in a comprehensive manner with respect to the subscription behaviors, un-subscription behaviors, web services integration and other related options.

    list settings 1

    List Settings Options

    List Name
    You can update your list name to any other name which is suitable for the list
    Subscription Type
    You can make the list single opt-in or double opt-in by selecting the correct option from the drop down menu.
    Edit Confirmation Emails
    You can select the edit button and edit the confirmation email in case your subscription type is double opt-in.
    Hide the List
    Use this option to hide the list under the subscriber area.
    Send Notifications
    Use this option to send notifications of the subscriptions and unsubscriptions
    Subscription Behaviors
    You can activate several behaviors when the subscription event occurs. The behaviors are listed below.
    Subscribe him/her to a specific list
    If you enable this option you can subscribe the subscriber to a specific list of your choice.

    Unsubscribe him/her from a specific list
    If you enable this option you can unsubscribe the subscriber from some previous mailing list he/she is subscribed to already.

    Display my own confirmation pending page
    You can choose this option to display your own subscription confirmation pending page.

    Display my own subscription confirmed page
    You can choose this option to display your own subscription confirmed page when the subscriber clicks on the confirmation link.

    Display my own subscription error page
    You can choose this option to display your own subscription error page.
    Unsubscription Behavior
    Subscribe him/her to a specific list
    Choose this option to subscribe the subscriber to a specific list after he unsubscribes from the current list.

    Unsubscribe him/her from a specific list
    Choose this option to unsubscribe the subscriber from other lists when he processes the unsubscription for this particular list

    Unsubscribe him/her from all lists
    Use this option to unsubscribe the subscriber from all the lists across your account when the unsubscription behavior happens.

    Add unsubscribed email addresses into suppression list
    You can choose this option to add the unsubscribed email to the suppress list

    Add unsubscribed email addresses into global suppression list
    You can choose this option to add the subscribed email to the global suppression list - global suppression list will ensure that no further communication is sent to the unsubscribed email.

    Display my own unsubscription confirmed page
    Choose this option to display your own customized unsubscription confirmation page.

    Display my own unsubscription error page
    Choose this option to display your own customized unsubscription error page.
    Web Services integration
    The system provides you an easy to use web service integration method to pass on the subscription and un-subscription data to the URL you specify. This way you can keep your own database synchronized with the subscriber lists under your account.

    New Service URL
    Define the web services url which must start with http:// or https://

    Event Type
    You can select the event type - there are two types of events happening - subscription or unsubscription.
    Request by Email Settings
    If you are using the subscription and unsubscription through emails [i.e. subscribers can send an email with a designated subject line either to subscribe to a mailing list or unsubscribe from a mailing list to a particular email id provided by the system.

    Email Address
    Specify the email address which will be bound to the mailing list

    Subscription Command
    Enter the command to trigger subscription. Example: subscribe
    The subscriber will have to use "subscribe" as their subject line without double quotes.

    Un-Subscription Command
    Enter the command to trigger unsubscription. Example: unsubscribe
    The subscriber will have to use "unsubscribe" as their subject line without double quotes.


    next topic Custom Fields