Guide Index

  • Getting Started
    1. Account Login and Overview
    2. Setting Up Your Mailing lists
    3. Integrating With Your Website
    4. Importing Email Addresses
    5. Sending Your First Campaign
  • Advanced List Functions
    1. List Settings
    2. Custom Fields
    3. Auto Responders
    4. List Segmentation
    5. MySQL Database Sync
    6. Subscription Behaviors
    7. Subscription Forms
    8. Website Integration
    9. Suppression Lists
  • Advanced Subscriber Management
    1. Add Subscribers Copy/Paste
    2. Add Subscribers File Upload
    3. Add Subscribers MySQL
    4. Browse Subscribers
    5. Delete Subscribers
    6. Export Subscribers
  • Advanced Campaign Management
    1. Creating New Campaigns
      1. Using HTML Code
      2. Template Gallery
      3. Previous Campaigns
      4. Using a Web URL
    2. Google Analytics
    3. Using A/B split testing
    4. Campaign Attachments
    5. Personalizing your email
    6. Email Content Analysis
    7. Campaign Preview
  • Email Templates
    1. Managing Tags
    2. Sub-Client Accounts
  • Statistical Data Analysis
    1. List Statistics
    2. Campaign Statistics
  • Integrating Lists With Your Website

    In the last section we saw how to create a new mailing list. This section will explain how to integrate newly created mailing lists with your website. Integrating your lists with your website site will allow visitors to subscribe to your list by completing the subscription form and submitting / subscribing their email address.

    1. Go to Lists
    2. This will provide an overview of the existing lists available on your system.
    3. Next click on the mailing list you want to integrate with your website
    4. This will bring up the list overview page
    5. Click on the "Create Subscription/Unsubscription Form" button on the upper right corner of the page.
    6. This will take you to a wizard where you can create the subscription / unsubscription forms

    integrate website 1

    Creating a subscription Form

    Layout & Preview
    This screen will show you how your form will look like - there are three built in visual styles which can be used to style your form layout.

    subscription form

    The options tab will allow you to select more mailing lists so that when a subscriber subscribes using this form they will also be subscribed to selected lists under options.

    You can also choose to include custom fields associated with the mailing list you are generating the subscription form.

    subscription options

    HTML Code
    This tab will provide you the generated HTML code which can be easily integrated with your website. Simply copy and paste the html code and customize the html code as required, but you must not change the action of the form or the name of form elements.

    html code

    Creating an unsubscription Form

    Click on the "Unsubscription Form" tab and you should see the html code, copy and paste the html code within your website and customize the html code as required, but you must not change the action of the form or the name of form elements.

    unsub form


    next topic Importing Email Addresses